What should I do with this?Plug inThatLibrary?Do I need to plan?This project, or jump straight into coding?Do I need to ask?For help?
Does this sound familiar?
I feel exactly what you are feeling. It was the same for me.This all changed when I began to incorporate the following points into my daily routine.
No matter what your age,NewbieOrProfessionalChances are, some of these points can help you.Take your front-end development career up to the next level.
Here are 8 ways to make your life easier.Help you become a better front-end designer.
1. Plan your projects
This is the first and most surprising mistake.Very commonEven senior developers can do thatMost of us don’t plan..
It's boringWe don't know what to do.We feel it is not our job.
This is why we often skim it.Very important step.
Planning can be a great way to:
Save moneyThere are many ways to make your home more beautiful.Time
Reduce stressWhen the deadline is near
ComfortablyFinish on time every day
It is also possible to do itIt doesn't need to be difficult.
It is sufficient to simply list the elements and templates that need to be converted from PSD into HTML, or to break down any complex elements into smaller parts and write them down.
A simple project-based to-do list can help you:
Stay organized
Keep your head clearKeep your eyes on the task at hand and remain focused
Highlight any roadblocksEarlyDuring the project phase
It is easyKeep your boss, client, or project manager informed
Continue reading at point #2 for more information about the second benefit.
Planning tools that can be used to help you plan
Planning is essential, butSometimes, not everything goes according to plan..
2. 2. Be proactive
Telling your boss or client that you are sorry is the worst thing.Things are taking longer than anticipatedAnd that's the end of the projectDelivered late.
It is important to highlight any roadblocks and delays early.Very powerfulWay toKeep everyone happy.
It's okay if things take longerIt turned out to be more difficult than originally planned.It's not okay to keep this for yourself.
Are you stuck with a bug?You're not the only one.Even the most skilled developers can have a problem.The same issues are present in almost all projects.
This is when it happensCall it outYou can!
You will be appreciated by everyone.Do your bestAndKeeping them informedWith the advancement.
Are you ready toYour boss and client will be delightedSend them a brief summary of what you did today and what you will be working on tomorrow. You can send them a brief summary of your day and the things you plan to do tomorrow. Highlight any concerns.
It should be used onlyTake 5 minutesIf you use the #1 tools,Even less time.
They will love and respect youIt is because itGive them some timeYou might think of a plan B. This could be asking the client for more money.Extension of the deadline.
There are other reasons to be proactive
It makes you look good.More professional
ItYour credibility will increase
ItIt helps build trust
Set up aDaily or weekly reminderThis will allow you to make sure that you always give an update on the progress of your project.
Reminders: These tools are helpful
Google Calendar Create a simple, recurring event
Evernote Create a note with a list of your tasks, and set a reminder
iOS RemindersIt doesn't even need to be described.
CuriousWhat about the next?Amazing.
3. Get curious
One of my favorite things about this book is the fact that it's a true classic.The most important attributesThis is the complete listIs being curious.
Nearly every day, new tools, plugins and techniques are released.Every day.
It isVery importantYou stayOpenAll the latest and greatest.Make an effortTo understand and explore them.
Both the bad and the good.Front-end developmentIt's moving forwardVery fast.
This means you canYou can quickly become an expertBut also your skills.Become very quickly obsolete.
Tip: It doesn't matter if you know everything. A basic overview of a topic or technique can suffice. The right project will allow you to dive into the subject further.
Sources of useful information for front-end development news
CSS Weekly
HTML5 Weekly
JavaScript Weekly
Responsive Design Weekly
Web Design Weekly
Let's get it!Others filter out the noiseConcentrate on the most important news.
4. 4.Invest in your talents
Front-end DevelopmentEverything related to itIt is just one skillRegardless of whether you believe it or not, any skill is possibleLearnable.
This is what you will needTo grow, you must invest in yourself. This is not what I meanSpend moneyI don't think about expensive courses, seminars, or books.Invest your time.
It isThere is no shortcut to successResearches have shown that it takes approximatelyIt takes 10000 hours to master a skillThat's all there is to it.40 hours per week for 4 years.
PrepareTo put up with late nights browsing other websites, trying out new plugins and frameworks.
TIPSchedule time to develop your self-esteem each week. This might seem difficult if you don't have a sponsor, but it is possible to put some of your time into your career.
Podcasts and blogs that can be helpful for front-end developers
CSS Tricks
ShopTalk Podcast
Boagworld Podcast
BONUS TIPYou can speed up podcast playback by setting it to 1.5x or 2.x speed. This will allow you to listen to more content faster.
What did you say?Yes, sirWhat is the best way to get started?
5. 5.
Bosses and clients are demandingWe all know this.
However, saying yes to all things can be difficult.You will eventually be defeatedYou will work for less if you are under the pump.It should be stressed.
Take the time to evaluateWhat are the project requirements? How can you align them withYour skills. Be sure to clarify which browsers are required to be supported.
It isThere is nothing wrongIn highlighting the parts of your project that will be required,Senior assistanceOr will be required to beExcluded from the scope of the project.
These are the highlightsEarlier in the project timelineThe entire process will be seamless from start to finishMuch smootherFor everyone.
Tip: Do not be afraid to point out functionality that is beyond your ability. Honesty is key. However, you must not be afraid to say yes to all requests.
What did you say?No, sirWhat is the best way to get started?
6. Do not say "No" to everything
Contrary to what was said above, but important property of aHighly effective front-end developerLearning is a processEvery project is different.
Every project can be a great way for you to implement a feature that you don't know about or aren't familiar with.Something new and different for the first time.
BySay no to everythingIf you only do the things that you know, you will be essentiallyClose the doorsForPersonal and professional development.
Soon, you will drown in the ocean ofAverage developers.
Exploring the unknown, on the other hand will provide you with a wealth of information.Great feeling of accomplishment, satisfactionYou will be kept busyAre you hungry to learn more?You will see it again and again.
TipChoose a plugin, feature or technique that you have wanted for some time and then implement it in your next project.
If you have any questions,Use a mentorTo guide youIn the right direction.
7. Find a mentor
You want to learn butNot sure where to begin?What should you do? What should you do?Learn nextWhat is the best way to implement this or that? How do you implement this or that?
Mentors are great at this.
Look for someone with more experience than yours, someone who is eager to learn.Help you grow.
Mentors should be people.Whom you respectYou would like to introduce someone you care about.Like. Someone who can teach codeWhat to Avoid.
This could be youBossYourRefer to colleagueOr someoneOnlineWho you will follow.
Companies with larger budgetsYou might be eligible for a formalMentorship programIn place, but if your studio is small or you're on your own,Look on the internet.
Follow developers like aChris Coyier?Paul IrishMentoringThink BigOrSimilar programs could be a good idea.
TIPYou cannot move forward if you don't go in the right direction, especially when it comes to web development.
AGood mentorWe can help:
ToGet adviceYour project approach
ToGet a sense for direction
To help you see any potential problems?Potential roadblocks
Tip: Find a mentorIt is notA guy who can do everything for you.You are not motivated by it. Still need toBe curious and self-motivatedTo grow.
Are you still with me?AmazingThank you, but don't forget about to move.
8. Keep active
Digital work requires us to spend a lot of time.A lot of timeStaring at the computer screen.
Sitting for 40-60 hoursIt will eventually take its toll on your work environment.
It's because of this that it'sIt is vitalThat youTake care of your bodyThe same goes for keeping your markup organized and commenting on everything.
A healthy body and mind are key to a better code. When you plan your week, remember to include someNon-digital activitiesWalking, running, or going to the gym will help you forget all about the pixels around.
Tip: You can't escape the tech world by watching TV or YouTube.You won't feel refreshed. All things thatGet your blood pumpingWill.
I'm off for aRun now.
You can agree or disagreeDo you agree with any of my tips and tricks?Your suggestions and tips?For a felow front-end developer?What was your experience?Do you want to take your career to the next level of success contact Icore singapore?